Cervix Is Low And Soft Six Days Before Period How Can You Tell If Your Cervix Is High/ Low / Hard/ Soft?

How can you tell if your cervix is high/ low / hard/ soft? - cervix is low and soft six days before period

First .... What position should be under control? If you work and are difficult to treat, when the lie is so high? and when we say, sweet ... What do we mean hard, but with a soft or sweet sweet!?

This is ....? too confusing

4 days later ....... .... soft collar, and I = S wee feels very strange and I am very tired .. Fingers crossed ..

and rub "


ck said...

It's confusing. The best way to say, is the feeling that every day of the cycle. Then you start notice changes. If you check only once, it is unclear whether hard or soft, because it's nothing. I know it does not help you now. The hope is your month!

cottonli... said...

LOL Well, it must be mobile and flexible. If it must be like the tip of the nose hard. If it is soft, it must feel like the middle of the cheek.

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