Burning In Throat More Condition_symptoms How To Treat A Kid Who Ingested Some Mild Bleach And His Throat Is "burning Up." How Would You Treat The Boy?

How to treat a kid who ingested some mild bleach and his throat is "burning up." How would you treat the boy? - burning in throat more condition_symptoms

Found some bleach diluted in the locker room and swallowed a few. He came and showed his neck and said: "burn" and wondered how you treat a child like that?


A Wasted Life said...

Let him drink a little milk and no vomiting. Depending on the amount of chlorine to drinking water, you want to go to the emergency room.

I drank bleach when I was small and was fine.

applenor... said...

You Do! You take him to the hospital! Yahoo Answers is not for emergencies! You do not see the revenue from liquor + burning in an area as sensitive as the emergency?

gymnasti... said...

This is not the place to ask them. Take him to the emergency room or call poison.

negative said...

You can call poisoning on the way to the emergency room
Call 1-800-222-1222 immediately

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